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Return on Investment From Employee Wellbeing


Unlock the business benefits of investing in mental health support at work

At Thrive, we break down barriers to effective mental healthcare, helping employees prevent, detect, treat, manage, and recover from mental health conditions through our clinically approved tools, expert therapy, and accredited workshops.

We understand that business success is based on your bottom line. That's why we use clinically validated scales to evaluate how often and how quickly your employees recover from mental health issues with our support.

Our unique approach allows us to produce a conclusive Return on Investment for your organisation, based on absenteeism rates and recovery speed.

By investing in your employees' mental wellbeing with Thrive, you can expect to see measurable improvements in productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work environment.

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How does employee wellbeing and mental health support impact your bottom line?

Improved employee morale and productivity

Stress management techniques, resilience-building exercises, and self-care strategies empower employees to take control of their mental health. 

By creating a supportive and nurturing work environment, you can foster a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

Reduced absenteeism


Stress, anxiety, and depression are some of the leading causes of absenteeism in the workplace. 

A proactive approach to mental health and wellbeing helps identify and address issues early on, preventing them from escalating into more serious conditions. This leads to significant reductions in absenteeism rates and improved operational efficiency.

Faster recovery from mental health conditions

When employees do experience mental health challenges, expert therapy, and support ensure that they recover more quickly and effectively. 

Faster recovery helps reduce business downtime, allowing your employees to return to peak productivity sooner.

A holistic approach to improving the mental wellbeing of your employees


At Thrive, we believe in providing tailored, life-changing mental healthcare for your employees - that they can access anytime, anywhere.

Our holistic approach includes three key areas - a mental wellbeing app, therapy, plus training and workshops.

In-App Assesments

Mental wellbeing app

Our app offers clinically approved tools for mood tracking, relaxation, CBT exercises, and guided self-care programs, empowering employees to manage their mental health proactively.

Find out more 

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We connect employees showing signs of mental health conditions with qualified professionals for one-on-one therapy sessions, all within the secure and confidential Thrive app.

Find out more 


Training and workshops


Our expert-led webinars, workshops, and training sessions cover topics ranging from stress management to mental health awareness, helping to create a more supportive workplace culture.

Find out more 

A clear and clinical approach to calculating your ROI

At Thrive, we use a data-driven method to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for your employee wellbeing and mental health support.

Our approach is based on clinically validated tools and aggregated screening data, ensuring you receive an accurate and transparent ROI assessment.

The mental health data Thrive collects is gathered using NHS-validated screening tools for anxiety and depression, meaning a 'recovery' recorded by Thrive aligns with the standards set by the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) service.

We leverage independent government research that demonstrates the impact of early recovery from mental health conditions. By combining this research with our own healthcare data and government formulas, we can calculate a conclusive ROI based on reduced absenteeism and faster recoveries.

To ensure reliable ROI calculations, we factor in engagement levels with our mental health app and your company's average salary data.

By investing in your employees' mental health with Thrive, you can expect measurable productivity improvements, reduced absenteeism, and a healthier, more resilient workforce.

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Take a look at some of our success stories


Thrive is trusted by thousands of organisations to support their employees' wellbeing and mental health at work. 
Explore our success stories to see the positive impact our tailored solutions have had across a wide range of industries.

33% overall increase in app users within less than 2 weeks after launching the in-app therapy service, increasing coverage and time spent in the app overall, which resulted in higher outcomes.

SSEN employees completed a total of 459 in-app therapy sessions within the first 6 weeks, allowing employees to seek invaluable advice and support from qualified people on an ongoing basis.

94% of users who needed further help did follow through and receive it after using the app through the in-app therapy service, showing how impactful the service is as a referral gateway.

Why choose Thrive for your business? 


Thrive is the clear choice for forward-thinking organisations looking to support their employees' mental wellbeing.

  • An evidence-based approach with a proven impact on employee recovery times and productivity
  • One of the few NHS-digitally compliant employee wellbeing for managing and improving mental health
  • A user-friendly and accessible app with a clinically approved suite of tools
  • Tailored workshops delivered by experienced, accredited therapists
  • Dedicated therapy service for personalised 1-1 support

Choose Thrive to support your employees' mental wellbeing, and see the ROI benefits of a more productive, resilient, and engaged workforce.

Ready to invest in employee wellbeing and mental health?

Contact us now for your Thrive Mental Wellbeing ROI quote!

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